20 Movies Which Could Win Oscars In 2022

10. House Of Gucci

Oscar West Side Story Spencer House of Gucci

Ridley Scott has two movies due out later in the year - historical thriller The Last Duel and the more awards-baiting of the two, House of Gucci, which centers on the assassination of Gucci head Maurizio Gucci (Adam Driver).

Scott's films tend to go down well with Oscar voters, though the 83-year-old filmmaker has received three Best Director nods without a win, so the Academy may well feel him overdue for what would effectively be a "career Oscar."

Elsewhere Adam Driver and Lady Gaga are strong prospects for lead acting awards, while Jared Leto, Al Pacino, and Jeremy Irons could all find themselves competing for Best Supporting Actor as other members of the Gucci family.

But its most sure thing Oscar-wise is undeniably Best Costume Design, given the subject matter and how lovingly the lavish clothing is clearly going to be featured throughout.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.