20 Movies You Didn't Know Were Set At Christmas

15. Batman Returns (1992)

In his second (and ultimately final) run at directing the Batman franchise, Burton set the blockbuster sequel amidst the holiday season. Unlike Edward Scissorhands, Batman Returns posts the holiday in plain view with various decorations sprinkled throughout Gotham€™s gothic architecture and even a tree-lighting-ceremony-turned-staged-kidnapping. Villains Max Shreck and The Penguin prey big time upon the holiday season emotions in painting Oswald Cobblepot (aka The Penguin) as a sympathetic creature looking for love and acceptance.

14. In Bruges (2008)

I must admit, even though this one of my favorite movies and even with watching it just a few weeks ago, I completely forgot that it takes place during Christmastime. It has little bearing on the plot and scarcely mentioned in passing. Our only real clues to a yuletide presence are decorations around the city, in the hotel, and Chloe€™s apartment, plus the occasional mention of €œthe holidays.€ Sure the film has a religious undertone, but not necessarily related to the season.

Chris lives in New Orleans. He writes for several local publications and national websites - mostly about film, television, books, music, food, special events, and pop culture. Since writing unfortunately never pays much, he pays the bills with his day job in marketing.