20 Movies You Didn't Know Were Set At Christmas

13. The Ice Harvest (2005)

Another crime-comedy film with a pair of mismatched criminal partners and set during Christmas. Starring John Cusak and Billy Bob Thornton, as a lawyer and crooked businessman/pornographer respectively, who team up to swindle cash from the local mob €“ from there, things do not go as planned. Directed by Harold Ramis, this black comedy is set on Christmas Eve. So, as you can expect, there are a ton references to the holiday season (trees, decorations, Christmas carols, parties, festive strippers, etc.) and even a few subtle homages to It€™s A Wonderful Life, one of the most famous Christmas movies ever.

12. Eyes Wide Shut (1999)

Like with a lot of things in the late, great Stanley Kubrick€™s films, no one really knows why he chose to set Eyes Wide Shut during the Christmas season €“ a significant change from the 1926 novella it is based on. Some critics say it symbolized rejuvenating spirit of holiday, others argue the Christmas lights fit appropriately into his predilection of realistic lighting. Those lights adorn almost every scene and there is a clear recurring Christmas tree motif throughout. Despite opening at a big Christmas party plus these other touches, and with the lack of holiday music or the joviality commonly associated with the holiday, Eyes Wide Shut makes itself clear that is not meant to be your traditional Christmas film.

Chris lives in New Orleans. He writes for several local publications and national websites - mostly about film, television, books, music, food, special events, and pop culture. Since writing unfortunately never pays much, he pays the bills with his day job in marketing.