20 Movies You Didn't Know Were Set At Christmas

9. Just Friends (2005)

I will defend this movie until my death. It is hilarious. But most people have never heard of it or quickly dismissed it. It is probably one of the most Christmas-centric movies on this list, but I would still argue against calling it a true Christmas movie. Again, this movie sees a guy return home from a long time away, but this time, he tries to right a few wrongs, including breaking out of the €œfriend zone€ and winning the love his life. Lots of snow, decorations, parties, ugly sweaters, carolers, and holiday cheer adorn the movie throughout.

8. L.A. Confidential (1997)

Okay, I know this movie spans quite a bit of time in early 1950s Los Angeles, but three key Christmas-themed scenes kick off the action and set the rest of the film in motion. First we have, Officer Bud White (played by a relatively unknown Russell Crowe) violently punishing a repeat woman-beater and pulling down his Christmas decorations on top of him. Next, we find Sergeant Jack Vincennes (Kevin Spacey) at a Hollywood Christmas party for his television cop show planning a late night bust with tabloid reporter Danny DeVito. Finally, we have the €œBloody Christmas€ scandal at the precinct Christmas party which turns the overly ambitious Ed Exley (an equally unknown Guy Pearce) into an informant and the black sheep of the force. In each of these important scenes, we learn key traits about each of the three main characters and rest of the movie develops from there.

Chris lives in New Orleans. He writes for several local publications and national websites - mostly about film, television, books, music, food, special events, and pop culture. Since writing unfortunately never pays much, he pays the bills with his day job in marketing.