20 Past MCU Easter Eggs That Will Mean Something In Phase 3

3. The Eternal Flame (Thor)

Yet another item in Odin's trophy room that was first seen in Thor, the Eternal Flame could be extremely important in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the comic books, it was stolen from Odin by some of Surtur's subordinates so that it could be used to light the fire demon's insanely powerful sword - Twilight - so that he could use it to bring about Ragnarok. So, you guessed it, it's an item that could be used to trigger the events of the movie Thor: Ragnarok. To emphasise how powerful this item must be, Twilight - the aforementioned sword it powered in the comics - was capable of destroying galaxies and was created for the purpose of setting the entire universe on fire.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.