20 Past MCU Easter Eggs That Will Mean Something In Phase 3

2. Stephen Strange (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)

In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, S.H.I.E.L.D. turncoat Agent Jasper Sitwell revealed - under severe interrogation from the titular hero and his allies - that HYDRA had targeted a number of people for assassination because they were deemed a potential threat to the evil organisation. Amongst those listed were existing Marvel Cinematic Universe characters Bruce Banner and Tony Stark, but there was also a name-drop that set tongues wagging around the world - Stephen Strange. This was, of course, a reference to the magical hero Doctor Strange, who will finally be coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Phase 3 when he gets his own movie - and then everyone will get to see exactly why HYDRA labelled him as such a big threat to their organisation.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.