20 People You Won't Believe Have Never Won An Oscar

17. Sigourney Weaver

Sigourney Weaver has been nominated 3 times for an Oscar (two of which came in the same year), however the 63 year old has never succeeded in going one step further and walk away with the celebrated sculpture in her back pocket. Throughout her career, Weaver has demonstrated genuine extensive versatility in her acting talents. Her roles range from the genre of sci-fi (in particular the Alien franchise), to historic biopics such as 1492: Conquest Of Paradise. Her performances in films such as Alien, Gorillas in The Mist and Working Girl (the latter both in 1988), have all penetrated the nomination barrier, but for some reason a much deserved Oscar has eluded her. This oversight seems further unjust seeing as she won the Golden Globe twice in 1988 (for Best Supporting Actress and Best Leading Actress), yet prevailed in neither category at the Oscars. Now of 63 years, perhaps Weaver's Oscar days have come to a denouement, especially seeing as the best part of 13 years have befallen since her last Oscar nominations in 1988. Weaver's heroics in the Alien franchise have completely re-branded the science fiction genre, yet it appears as though this achievement does not go hand in hand with Oscar glory.
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Massive Arsenal fan Jacob Savill, is a new-ish contributor to WhatCulture and his first few articles have proved popular amongst the sports and film pages. As an A-Level English Student and an aspiring journalist he's using WhatCulture as preparation for what he hopes to be a successful journalistic career.