20 People You Won't Believe Have Never Won An Oscar

16. Ralph Fiennes

001 Ralph Fiennes is widely deemed as the best that England can offer in terms of acting talent. There is no question that he should have prevailed in the Best Supporting Actor category of the 66th Academy Awards, for his chilling portrayal of the Nazi Amon Goeth (Schindlers List). However, he was deprived of this honour by some suspect voting on the part of the Academy and instead he was foiled by Tommy Lee Jones who that year starred in The Fugitive. But Fiennes is not just a one hit wonder. He has also fashioned some similarly impressive performances in films such as The English Patient (for which he was nominated for another Oscar), The Constant Gardener and Harry Potter, in which he played the evil villain Lord Voldemort (a performance I believe that warranted at least one Oscar nomination). Over his career, Fiennes has flaunted copious versatility and he has played both protagonist and antagonist to the highest of quality. The only reason that I can think of that he has never triumphed at the Oscars is because Hollywood are just too afraid of pronouncing his name incorrectly. Actress Demi Moore believes that if he had spelt his stage name "Rafe" instead of "Ralph", by now he would have been more successful in his quest for Oscar gold.
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Massive Arsenal fan Jacob Savill, is a new-ish contributor to WhatCulture and his first few articles have proved popular amongst the sports and film pages. As an A-Level English Student and an aspiring journalist he's using WhatCulture as preparation for what he hopes to be a successful journalistic career.