20 Reasons Why Growing Up in the 80s and Early 90s Was Best Time For Cinema

10. Indiana Jones

It€™s a shame the modern generation got Indiana Jones and something about Crystal Skulls. Similar to the Tim Burton entry, if Crystal Skulls was your introduction to Indiana Jones, its comprehensible to not quite understand the affection for the series a kid of the €˜80s might have. Many €˜80s kids missed out on Star Wars, they had to catch it second time around, either on VHS or when they were theatrically re released in the mid €˜90s (which is still preferable to getting the prequels as €œyour trilogy€, despite digital Jabba), so to many, Harrison Ford was Indiana Jones, not Han Solo. The Indy films were dispersed across the €˜80s so depending on when you were born would depend what your first Indy film was, but the likelihood is you would have seen one. Now its easy to look back and order the films to your preference, maybe Temple of Doom is too dark or Last Crusade too formulaic, but when you€™re a kid this isn€™t important. When you€™re a kid you€™re watching Indiana Jones and that€™s all you need. Indy was a proper adventurer, he went on proper adventures, these weren€™t action films, they were adventure films made by filmmakers in their prime. Spielberg didn€™t have anything to prove after the success of Jaws and Close Encounters, whilst Star Wars was already huge, so Ford was brimming with confidence, add in the hat, the whip and John Williams€™ iconic score and €˜80s kids didn€™t want to be James Bond, they wanted to be Indiana Jones.
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David is a film critic, writer and blogger for WhatCulture and a few other sites including his own, www.yakfilm.com Follow him on twitter @yakfilm