20 Sick Cannibal Movies You Need To See Before You Die

8. The Mountain Of The Cannibal God

Released the same year as Cannibal Holocaust, The Mountain of the Cannibal God is yet another one where a character travels to the jungle and encounters a tribe of cannibals. In this case, Susan is looking for her missing husband, and she suspects he was headed for a mountain that locals believe is cursed. Authorities won't allow her to go there officially, but she does anyway. What ever could go wrong? Susan takes a few people with her, and it turns out one of them only came because a few years ago he was taken captive by these natives, and so he's returning to kill them once and for all. Hang on, so this guy escaped from cannibals and is going back, with only a few people as backup? Great idea! Now we have our "guy who is as bad as the savages" character. He doesn't even make it there, though, as he dies while trying to climb a waterfall. How anticlimactic is that? Towards the very end Susan does find the natives, who have killed her husband and are worshipping his remains. At this point we get the obligatory disemboweling scene and the real animal death, but this film sure brings something new to the table when one of the tribe members has sex with a buffalo. Well, that's different...

Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.