20 Sick Cannibal Movies You Need To See Before You Die

9. C.H.U.D.

The C.H.U.D. in this film's title stands for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. How could you not be on board with it just from that incredible name? C.H.U.D. kicks things off right from the opening 30 seconds, where a woman in New York City is dragged into a manhole and presumably eaten by these unseen monsters. It wastes no time getting started. We find out that these vaguely humanoid creatures appear to be living in the sewers and picking off the homeless population. It's believed that they used to be human, but they were exposed to toxic waste (because toxic waste is the explanation for everything in this kind of plot). Only later do you find out it's not that the C.H.U.D.s have been consuming the homeless; they are the homeless, and a secret government waste disposal project has turned them into the creatures. That's a bummer, right? A bunch of homeless people turned into flesh-eating monsters? The movie is pretty ridiculous, with some bad acting and lots of 80s cheese, but that's exactly why fans love it. A warning for pet lovers, though: it does feature a horrifying dog death. What's with all the animal killings in these films? Eat all the people you want, but leave the dogs alone!

Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.