20 Sneaky End Credits Messages You Probably Missed

6. Robocop

Orion Pictures

Like Tyler Durden's Warning take-over in Fight Club, Robocop's official anti-piracy message above carries further warning than film fans are traditionally used to. Paul Verhoeven's most famous armoured creation continues to stamp his authority beyond the end of the movie, and very possibly voids the copyright regulations of the entire thing with a threat that could presumably never be realised in real life, by warning would-be pirates of swift and furious retribution.

Seriously, what happens if someone takes this copyright notice to court as part of their defence against pirating the movie? Could it actually be thrown out because of the fundamental lack of Law Enforcement Droids? That would be pretty dumb. As a side-note you really have to suspect that the new reboot of Robocop is going to entirely without this sort of humour, given what we know of it so far.

5. Look Who's Talking Too

"Sperm Wrangler: Blair Clark" The worst job in Hollywood? No joke €“ I have twice been asked if the sperm scenes in Look Who's Talking are real, and perhaps I'm the one who is in the wrong, given the appearance of this credit. But then, that would be ridiculous, and anyone who believes it should probably stop a) watching films and b) trying to reproduce for the good of the gene pool.

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