20 Sneaky End Credits Messages You Probably Missed

8. Two And A Half Men


TV show creator Chuck Lorre always finds time between firing Charlie Sheen and actually doing some TV creation to add sign-off messages to his TV show episodes. Some might say he's mostly wasting his time, given that the messages flash up so quickly that only those who bother to pause ever get to read them, on both Two And A Half Men and The Big Bang Theory.

But in a particular high-point, Lorre commented on Sheen's lifestyle in the fantastically tongue-in-cheek manner above, seemingly confirming his suspicions to the world that the former Two And A Half Men star is not long for this world (if he continues his colourful life-style.)

After the hysteria of Sheen's breakdown this simple Easter egg message serves as an oddly appropriate, and wonderfully snarky response, and we salute Lorre for having the stones to do it. And a message of a slightly different nature from another creative talent, in the shape of Kevin Smith...

7. Mallrats

"Thanks to Mom and Dad for having sex all those years ago." A typically black comic reference from the director who knows few boundaries, and observes even less.

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