They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, in which case, Shia Labeouf must be the sincerest actor in the history of Hollywood. Given how important existing work is on the future directions that Hollywood takes (either offering a model, or a path to avoid,) it would be foolish to suggest that even the most unique scenes and innovations in film don't owe something - no matter how small - to what came before them. Even those that seek to reinvent, reboot or deconstruct have to make reference to the source, regardless of how they feel about it. But what of the film's that consciously borrow, or openly steal from other films? Some will call Quentin Tarantino a master for the way he reappropriates signs, scenes and sentiments from the genres that pre-figured his love of film, while others will disparagingly call him a magpie, incapable of an honest, unique thought. However you feel about the almost Hateful Eight director, he at least makes no bones about the fact that he looks back at film as much as he looks forward, and he's always the first to acknowledge the influences in his work, and how they affect his own style. He's also far from the only director to borrow from other films, and some aren't as forthcoming with their admission, leading to some films very obviously ripping off scenes, either in an attempt to channel the same success, or perhaps to pay some unexpressed homage. Probably mostly the former. Is this outright theft or merely a peculiar coincidence? No matter how you decide, the evidence makes for compelling reading...