20 Terrible 2015 Movies That Should Never Have Happened

9. The Gunman

The Plot: Former mercenary Jim Terrier (Penn) finds himself pulled back into his old habits when a hit squad targets him for one of his former kills. Why It Shouldn't Exist: Because it's two hours of Sean Penn having his own ego massaged, hoping that he can pull a Liam Neeson and reinvent himself in middle age...but catastrophically failing. Penn looks absolutely ripped, fair play to him, but the script (which he co-wrote) is too busy wringing hands politically when the movie was sold to audiences as a balls-to-the-wall action flick, and ultimately succeeds as neither thoughtful nor thrilling. The likes of Ray Winstone, Mark Rylance and Idris Elba barely touch the sides as they appear briefly, while Javier Bardem is pretty much the only memorable thing in it as Penn's boozed-up former colleague. Penn gets to shoot a fleet of bad guys and have sex with a gorgeous exotic woman half his age: it's easy to see why he signed on, but not why anyone involved actually expected it to be any good...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.