20 Terrible 2015 Movies That Should Never Have Happened

10. Terminator Genisys

The Plot: When John Connor (Jason Clarke) sends Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) back to 1984 as per Terminator lore, everything's changed: Sarah Connor (Emilia Clarke) is now a battle-hardened soldier accompanied by her own Guardian Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger). As the time-leaping continues, it transpires that John's future has also changed: he's now a man-machine hybrid intent on ensuring Skynet's supremacy. Why It Shouldn't Exist: There's definitely a time travel joke in here somewhere about literally erasing Terminator Genisys from existence, because the film takes a steaming dump on not only the series' two best movies, but completely erases the two more recent ones from history as well. While baddie John Connor is a fairly bold attempt to reinvent the series, it just doesn't work: the trailers stupidly spoiled the surprise months ahead of time, the action is dull, the time travel logic non-existent, and only Arnie and J.K. Simmons manage to escape with their dignity in tact. Jai Courtney is a terrible Kyle, but surprisingly it's the outrageously miscast Clarke who gives the worst performance here as a distractingly cherub-like Sarah Connor who blinks when she shoots.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.