20 Terrible 2015 Movies That Should Never Have Happened

7. The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)

The Plot: Psychotic prison warden Bill Boss (Dieter Laser, who played the first film's protagonist) decides to employ drastic measure to control his non-compliant inmates: stitching them into a 500-person human centipede, joined a**-to-mouth of course. Why It Shouldn't Exist: Because how the hell did director Tom Six get funding to make a third film? Evidently the budgets of these flicks are low enough that moderate Blu-ray and VOD sales can keep it chugging along, though Six has also mercifully promised that Final Sequence is definitely the last one. It shouldn't exist in practical terms, then, but also as an assault on all sense of taste, it's surprisingly bland in its attempts to shock. It's trying so hard to be controversial for no sake but its own that it pretty much just feels like listening to a child the first time they hear a swear word, repeating it ad nauseum because they think it makes them all grown-up and cool. In short, just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.