20 Terrible Movies That Do NOT Deserve Their Fresh Rotten Tomatoes Scores
6. Thor: The Dark World
Score: 66% (Average Score: 6.20/10)
Consensus: It may not be the finest film to come from the Marvel Universe, but Thor: The Dark World still offers plenty of the humor and high-stakes action that fans have come to expect.
Critics have sometimes been accused of being biased against DC films and of course, this is almost certainly not true. The DC films that received low critical scores, received them because they, you know, sucked.
Then again, looking at the two RT scores for the worst MCU films, it's easier to see why some might think this.
To be fair, Eternals got the rotten score it deserved and one can understand critics giving films like Black Widow or Multiverse of Madness three-star ratings since those do have some substantial positive qualities, but that's definitely not the case with Thor: The Dark World. Simply put, this is a terrible movie.
The story is hopelessly bland, the comedy is weak, the romance is cringe-worthy, it's as visually appealing as a low-budget TV film, it's filled with terrible video game-like action scenes and it also wasted so, so many great actors.
Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston are excellent, and there is one great scene (involving a character's funeral), but other than that, there is very little to praise here and this is easily the worst MCU film to date. The mystery of how the hell this got a fresh RT score is one not even Sherlock Holmes himself could unravel.
Deserved Score: 20-40%