20 Terrible Movies That Do NOT Deserve Their Fresh Rotten Tomatoes Scores

17. Tenet

Thor The Dark World
Warner Bros.

Score: 69% (Average Score: 6.90/10)

Consensus: A visually dazzling puzzle for film lovers to unlock, Tenet serves up all the cerebral spectacle audiences expect from a Christopher Nolan production.

In contrast to many of the other cases on this list, when it comes to Christopher Nolan's terrible latest film it's more understandable that it got a high score. It was the only tentpole theatrically released in the summer of 2020, after all.

That being said, the lenient response Tenet received still wasn't in any way deserved.

Here are some common reasons why films get rotten scores on the Tomatometer: flat dialogue, a complete lack of emotional depth, empty characters, poor pacing, overly convoluted plotting, a focus on superficial style at the expense of any narrative heft... Tenet is guilty of all of the above.

It's certainly well-directed, but other than that there's very little to praise. Out of the film's amazing cast only Kenneth Branagh comes out of it particularly well, the screenplay is an emotionally vacant, tension-free disaster, and as if all of that wasn't bad enough, thanks to the atrocious sound design you can barely even hear the dialogue.

Seriously, you have to try hard to fail so badly at something so basic.

Had this been released at a different time, and if it hadn't been made by such a well-loved director, perhaps this would've got the rotten score it actually deserved.

Deserved Score: 30-50%.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.