20 Terrible Oscar Nominations From The Past Ten Years - Corrected

17. The 2019 Best Original Screenplay Field

Bohemian Rhapsody Oscar

As will be discussed many times in this article, the 2019 Oscars were a colossal mess. With the Original Screenplay, although three of the nominees - Roma, The Favorite and First Reformed, which arguably should've won - were deserving inclusions, the other two were absolutely ridiculous.

Green Book is a very nice film indeed and a highly moving tale of friendship, but its script handles its racial themes and social commentary very poorly; for example, in one scene Mahershala Ali's character is caught in a homosexual encounter but this is literally never mentioned again afterwards. As such, Green Book's script wasn't at the right level for a nomination, let alone the win. And then, worse still, there's Vice.

Vice is a terrible Oscar nominee on every level conceivable. It's smug, empty, scattershot, shallow and treats some very important recent history without the slightest bit of depth or insight, so it being nominated for Best Original Screenplay was a disastrous error.


Two far, far better nominees would've been Searching, a brilliantly-written thriller and Shoplifters, the Japanese Palme D'Or winner which had a beautifully-done screenplay. Neither are anywhere near typical Oscar material, but shouldn't a film be able to get nominated regardless of what type of film it is?


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.