20 Terrible Razzie Mistakes - Corrected

11. Poseidon - Worst Remake

Penguin Batman Returns
Warner Bros.

This loose remake of The Poseidon Adventure, the classic disaster film from 1972, is in no way worthy of a Razzie nomination.

Admittedly, the dialogue is awful (Kurt Russell: "It's a pressure valve. It won't open unless there's tremendous pressure!") and so is the character development, but brilliant special effects, strong directing and some brutally suspenseful set-pieces more than keep it afloat.

It's a three-star film and it bears little resemblance to the original film anyhow aside from the central concept, so this was a waste of a slot.


This was released in 2006. This was the same year as the absolutely ghastly remake of Black Christmas, another 1970s genre classic, which was one of the worst horror remakes of all time and makes the fairly weak 2019 Black Christmas remake look like Citizen Kane. How on earth was Poseidon nominated over that?


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.