20 Theories That Answer Classic Unexplained Disney Questions

9. How Come Russell's Parents Allow Him To Keep Hanging Out With The Old Man Who Basically Kidnapped Him?

The Film: Up Answer: In all honestly, if you gave birth to someone as annoying as Russell, you're probably glad to have a bit of a break from him. Besides, he's a boy scout and they are always prepared for anything so he'll be fine with anyone, right? Unfortunately Russell is not blessed with good parents; his father is almost entirely absent thanks to his new life, his stepmother is the stereotypical evil witch, and his mother is so redundant she doesn't even demand mention. The poor kid has to show that he's only going to be worthy of their attention until he achieves every scout badge ever created. And still nobody questions where he went, or why it was with an old, lonely man.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com