20 Theories That Answer Classic Unexplained Disney Questions

4. Why Is Anita Friends With Cruella?

The Film: 101 Dalmatians Answer: People question the friendship between Anita and Cruella as being unrealistic and disingenuous when in reality, those are qualities considered to be harvested by Cruella. Anita is gentle, kind and patient, which is probably why Cruella takes advantage of her good nature. She's a bully, it's what they do. Why else would Biff be friends with George McFly? The real question should be how on earth can they afford to look after and feed all of those puppies? Roger isn't exactly making the big bucks. Maybe they'll end up looking for business in the fur industry anyway...
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com