20 Theories That Answer Classic Unexplained Disney Questions

15. What Is Scar's Real Name?

The Film: The Lion King If he was born with the scar then fair enough, that would make sense. But if he wasn't born with the scar on his eye then he got into some fisty cuffs and therefore Scar became his nickname? His parents wouldn't have been cruel enough to name him after a facial deformity, would they? And how did he get the scar? He's a notorious scaredy cat. Answer: His real name is Taka and Scar is the nickname that he chose himself after he got in a fight with a herd of buffalo, proving that you really should persist with that nickname you've tried to get everyone to call you. Scar was unavailable for a comment on what really happened between him and the buffalo because he is dead.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com