20 Theories That Answer Classic Unexplained Disney Questions

14. Did The Genie Create An Entire Empire For Aladdin Just So He Could Have Somewhere To Rule?

The Film: Aladdin Answer: Pretty much. Aladdin asked for the Genie to "make him into a Prince", not to just look like a Prince or act like one but to become one. So, the Genie would have had to have created an entire kingdom for Aladdin to rule otherwise he wouldn't be fulfilling his main duty as a Genie - to grant wishes VERY specifically. The Genie probably just created people out of thin air and told them to follow the guy in parachute pants, and they did. Which is somehow morally less murky than killing people or making people fall in love.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com