20 Things Hidden In Fight Club You Totally Missed

18. Flashes Of Tyler

We meet Tyler Durden when the narrator shares a flight with him, right? Wrong.

Up until that point, we’ve actually seen him before, and no I don’t mean the time on the travellator. At precise moments in the early scenes of Fight Club, Tyler Durden appears for the briefest second a total of four times before the scene at the airport. Blink and you’ll miss it.

We first see him when the Narrator is talking to a doctor; right as he says the world “pain” Tyler appears for a split second. The second time, Tyler actually has his arm over somebody’s shoulder at the support group – this time it’s during the phrase “open ourselves up”. Again, he materialises when the Narrator is watching Marla walk away, and the fourth time (which could spoil the plot twist if you noticed it) is when the Narrator is in the office and he says the word “copy”.

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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!