20 Things Hidden In Fight Club You Totally Missed

17. There's A Hidden Penis

Fight Club 2

We’ve covered the flashes of Tyler but did you know that’s not the only flashing that goes on in this film? If the strong violence and the acts of terrorism didn’t give this film an 18-age rating, one of the last frames we see would. What if I told you there was an uncensored penis at the end of the film, just as it’s fading out? No, I’m not joking, a penis!

We were given an explanation earlier on in the film as to why this happens. In Tyler’s job at the movie theatre he brags about splicing frames of pornography between reels to leave the viewers uncomfortable without really knowing why. This already explains why there are those earlier flashes of him in the background, but Durden needed one last laugh and for the briefest second you can see a penis on your screen.

As far as I’m aware, the…organ…did not belong to a member of the cast and instead is that of a porn star.

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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!