20 Things The X-Men Movies Actually Got Right
The X-Men debuted on the big screen 20 years ago, what are the highlights of the film series?

Since the X-Men hit the big screen in 2000, it's fair to say that the franchise has had its ups and downs.
Coming out around the same time as the original Spider-Man films and the Blade Trilogy, the X-Men series had a terrific first run, with the first two films being comic book movie classics.
However, the next two films after that saw the standard decline with inconsistency in the writing and very lacklustre storytelling. X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine really didn't reach the high expectations the franchise had set itself up for. The series was then reinvigorated by 2011's X-Men: First Class, a reboot that managed to relaunch the series in a new, more authentic way.
Despite a majority of the films achieving great critical success, fans of the comic books have occasionally been less impressed. The franchise often diverts from the comic books a lot more than other superhero films, whether that be in story lines, character backstories or the continuity in general.
This has made the franchise a little uneven and unfaithful over time, but that's not to say there haven't been some moments that the X-Men series has knocked out of the park.
20. The Plane Sequence In X-Men 2

There have been plenty of great plane sequences in comic book films, but the one in X-Men 2 may just take the cake.
In the scene the X-Men are being pursued by the US Military in the Blackbird when the military launch a series of missiles at the plane. The scene is full of tense and exciting moments for the fans, Storm being a particular highlight when she summons a series of tornadoes to stop their pursuers.
Another example is when one of the missiles strikes the Blackbird, causing Rogue to fall out of the plane and be saved by Nightcrawler, who teleports out of the plane and back seamlessly.
This action scene showcases the team in a desperate no win situation, while also throwing in a portion of the team's abilities. The incorporation of so many characters and powers creates a terrific action scene worthy of being included in this list.