20 Things You Didn’t Know About Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

14. The Worst Spider-Man Movie Grossed Far More Money

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Facts Olivia Octavius Glasses
Sony Pictures

Because Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was adored by pretty much everybody, you'd assume it triumphed at the box office. Although the film opened at #1 according to Deadline, it only earned $35 million in the US during its opening weekend. By comparison, 2002's Spider-Man made nearly triple that amount within the same time-frame.

Because of the positive buzz, you'd imagine word-of-mouth would allow Into the Spider-Verse to recover. But after the release of Aquaman, Mary Poppins Returns, and Bumblebee the following week, Into the Spider-Verse didn't stand a chance, (especially since Aquaman raked in a billion dollars).

According to boxofficemojo, Into the Spider-Verse was the least successful Spider-Man instalment by far, earning a measly $384 million. The second-least successful film in the franchise, Amazing Spider-Man 2, made nearly twice that amount. (To add salt to the wounds, the abominable Spider-Man 3 brought in nearly $900 million.)

Fortunately, Into the Spider-Verse's budget was only cost $90 million, so it didn’t need to earn much to be profitable.


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