20 Things You Didn’t Know About The Green Mile

1. The Green Mile Was Very Personal For Frank Darabont

The Green Mile Poster
Warner Bros.

As Darabont was about to begin work on the screenplay, his cat was diagnosed with a tumour. On borrowed time, the animal wasn't in any pain - so Darabont cared for it at his desk while writing, describing it as his 'co-writer' or even his 'co-pilot'.

"It's the whole 'Green Mile' death row experience... The writing of it was very much that. I had this creature I really cared about walking that mile."

The screenplay was complete in only eight weeks, a remarkable accomplishment considering its quality and especially the length of the novel it was so faithful to. Darabont's co-pilot passed away peacefully shortly afterwards.

The celebrated writer/director has called The Green Mile "the most satisfying movie of his career", and audiences tend to agree - close to 50 of King's works have been adapted for the screen since Carrie in 1976, but The Green Mile was the only one to pass the $100million milestone at the domestic box-office until It in 2017.

The Academy also agreed - he was nominated for the 2000 Oscar for Best Screenplay Based On Material Previously Produced/Published, alongside the Bram Stoker Award for Best Screenplay and Best Script at the 2000 Nebulas.

Darabont was also recognised by his peers by being nominated for the Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Cinema Award at the 2000 DGA Awards, as well as Best Director at the Saturns.

In fact, The Green Mile was one of the more popular and recognised movies of 1999, winning the People's Choice Award for Favourite All-round Motion Picture and Favourite Dramatic Picture, and the Best Action/Adventure/Thriller Film at the Saturns.

Not only that, but it was nominated for the Best Picture Award at the 2000 Oscars and Best Film at the Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards.

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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.