20 Things You Didn't Know About Alien 3

3. The Novelist For Alien³ Tried To Save Newt

Alien 3

Alien³ originally received a mixed reaction when it was released, but has been defended as an underrated classic in recent years. But there is one aspect of the movie that is universally reviled; killing off Newt. Since the climax of the previous film centred around Ripley saving the child from the Alien Queen, having Newt snuffed out in Alien 3's opening scene completely ruins Ripley's maternal relationship with her. What's worse is how we see Newt's face contorted in a permanent scream, proving her last moments of life were in agony.

Alan Dean Foster, who wrote the novelisation of Alien³, despised Newt's cruel fate so much, he originally refused to acknowledge it in the book. In his first draft, he wrote that Newt's pod malfunctioned so she couldn't awaken from cryo-sleep until it was repaired. Even though her character wouldn't play a role in the story, she didn't die.

Sadly, the studio rejected this revision, stating the film and the novel had to be consistent (and equally disappointing). Foster was so furious by this decision, he refused to adapt anything else from the franchise.

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Alien 3
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