20 Things You Didn't Know About Alien 3

16. The Alternative Scripts Were Bonkers

Alien 3
Dark Horse

One of the biggest problems with AlienĀ³'s production was how the producers couldn't find a satisfactory script. And if you thought AlienĀ³ was disappointing (which you surely did), it could've turned out SO much worse if the studio went with Eric Red's storyline.

This version centres on a space station where the interior is modelled into an American town with fields, farms, and a mall. (That is not the weird part.) The citizens are oblivious that the bottom of the station harbours a secret military complex where scientists are breeding Xenomorphs. Once the aliens break free, it's up to the civilians to save the day. The story would conclude with the aliens somehow fusing with the space station, forcing the townsfolk to face a Godzilla-sized robotic Xenomorph.

Eric Red has since admitted his pitch was "a piece of junk". This version wouldn't have been better than what we got but it definitely would have been more entertaining.

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Alien 3
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