20 Things You Didn't Know About Aliens

9. There Was Nearly A Mass Walkout On Set

Aliens James Cameron
Orion Pictures

Tensions on set culminated with Cameron firing his First Assistant Director, Derek Cracknell. Cracknell and Cameron were having a power struggle on who was directing the film, with Cracknell frequently disobeying Cameron's instructions.

Once Cracknell was fired, he urged the rest of the crew to down tools and walk out. After hours of negotiation, the crew agreed to support Cameron with filming, if he was more respectful of their break times.

Cameron told the crew at the end of shooting that he was motivated by the "knowledge that one day I would drive out the gate of Pinewood and never come back, and that you sorry bastards would still be here.”


James Brigginshaw hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.