20 Things You Didn't Know About Batman Begins

13. Bruce Wayne€™s "Childhood Lost" Theme Is The Result Of A Clever Audio Trick

When Bruce Wayne€™s parents are killed, we hear a young boy singing mournfully on the soundtrack. According to co-composer Hans Zimmer, the boy€™s voice, €œthrough electronic trickery and too much time spent in the studio€actually freezes and goes on for about four minutes. I know that€™s really dodgy symbolism, but we literally froze him in time.€

The €œchildhood lost€ theme, an important one in Batman Begins€™ score, wouldn€™t reappear until the end of The Dark Knight Rises €“ as Batman flies toward the sunrise, finally putting his pain and anger behind him, we hear that little boy sing, one last time€

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C.B. Jacobson pops up at What Culture every once in a while, and almost without fail manages to embarrass the site with his clumsy writing. When he's not here, he's making movies, or writing about them at http://buddypuddle.blogspot.com.