20 Things You Didn't Know About Blade Runner

10. The On-Set Tension Resulted In A T-Shirt War

Blade Runner Poster
Warner Bros.

Near the end of principal photography, on-set animosity resulted in what has since been dubbed the "T-Shirt War". Makeup supervisor Marvin Westmore was disgusted by a British Associated Press article in which Scott had joked about preferring working with British film crews as they would reply to his requests with "Yes Gov'nor". He then went on to have t-shirts printed for the crew that said "Yes Gov'nor, My Ass!" across the front.

An amused Scott, along with his closer collaborators on the film, then went and had t-shirts printed for themselves emblazoned with the words "Xenophobia Sucks", and began wearing a cap that said "Guv".It's claimed that this light-hearted riposte worked, and the absurdity of it all broke a lot of the tension on the set.


Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.