20 Things You Didn't Know About Catwoman
4. The Hedares Are A Loose Recreation Of Max Shreck
Fans of Batman Returns will recall that Christopher Walken's Max Shreck unwittingly transformed Michelle Pfeiffer's Selina Kyle into Catwoman when he pushed her out of a top floor office window.
Selina was Shreck's beleaguered secretary, often becoming the butt of his jokes, required to work late, and blamed for his errors. When she learnt that Shreck's proposed power plant would be draining power from Gotham City rather than supplying it, he decided to silence her.
Patience Phillips is an overworked, underpaid artist designing advertisements for Hedare Beauty's various cosmetics products.
The company's CEO, Lambert Wilson's George Hedare, tells her that her work is awful, she is forced to work late, and she has to take her designs directly to the company's factory. There, Patience accidentally learns that Hedare's new anti-wrinkle cream, Beauline is toxic and destroys the skin of its users, before she is killed on the orders of George's power mad wife, Laurel.
Between them, the philandering George and vengeful Laurel are not unlike Walken's Shreck.