20 Things You Didn't Know About Django Unchained

13. Dr King Schultz Whistles The Django Theme

Properly ticked off at Django and Schultz for assassinating the Brittle brothers on his property, Spencer "Big Daddy" Bennett enlists the help of a group of KKK-looking racists on horses. They spot Schultz's distinctive wagon (the one with a giant tooth on a spring on top of it) and descend upon it. What they don't know is that they are riding into a trap. Schultz and Django are watching from afar, ready to shoot the tooth that Schultz stuffed full of dynamite.

We know it's full of dynamite because we see Schultz taking out the money he usually hides in there and replacing it with those sticks. When he is pulling this switcheroo, he's actually whistling the Django theme. Used throughout the movie, the Django theme was originally used in the Sergio Corbucci classic that inspired Tarantino.

Hear it below.


Jay Russell hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.