20 Things You Didn't Know About Interstellar

13. Anne Hathaway Simulated Zero-Gravity By Hopping On One Leg

Interstellar ship
Warner Bros. Pictures

Zero-gravity is a difficult effect for movies to pull off, often requiring the use of some highly advanced filmmaking techniques.

On Interstellar though, Anne Hathaway found a solution that was primitive in approach, but apparently quite effective in execution.

Demonstrating her skills on The Graham Norton Show, the actress showed off her truly remarkable ability to... stand on one leg and float around? Sounds a little silly, but it does sort of convey that zero-gravity look - see for yourself in the video below.

Oh, and for extra comedic effect, just imagine Nolan's reaction when she started doing this on set.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.