20 Things You Didn't Know About Near Dark

10. Child Vampires On Screen

Near Dark
De Laurentiis Entertainment

One of the vampires to feature in Near Dark is Homer, the cigarette smoking, undead kid. Nicknamed 'Little Boner,' Jesse and Severen tease him relentlessly. Homer predated the other famous child vampire Claudia (Interview With The Vampire) by seven years and to date, there's barely any pre-teen blood suckers on screen.

Although Bigelow may have been influenced by the Anne Rice novel of 1976, the other cinematic child vampires to predate Near Dark are Danny and Ralphie Glick of Salem's Lot (1979).

There are modern examples, from The Little Vampire and bloody Twilight, but none quite like Lil' Boner himself, stuck in a child's body for all eternity and with an attitude that would make Claudia blush (if vampires can actually do that... ).

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A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...