20 Things You Didn't Know About Near Dark

9. Beware The Light...

Near Dark
De Laurentiis Entertainment

An aversion to sunlight has been part of the vampire myth since ancient times. Some recent entries to the folklore, such as Dracula, could move about about in daylight with limited powers (yes, it's in the book) and those irritating sparkly faced pin-ups from Twilight seemed to manage with sunglasses. The rest however, need a factor 10,000 lotion, otherwise its death by fireball.

Bigelow highlights photosensitivity considerably more than most other vampire films, making it their primary weakness. In Near Dark, one shaft of sunlight is enough to ignite even their clothes, as seen in the last act of the movie in the terrific motel shootout sequence. Homer doesn't even make it more than a couple of metres before he literally explodes on the freeway.

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A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...