20 Things You Didn't Know About Near Dark

3. Michael Biehn As A Vampire?

Near Dark
Orion Pictures

That Near Dark has multiple links to the Alien franchise has been long established - there's even a background shot in Near Dark with a cinema billboard featuring Aliens, as Caleb staggers his way through a Texas town, looking for a bus home. The links don't end there; a potential casting choice might've been one step too far, even if the results could've been all kinds of awesome.

Bigelow actively sought Cameron regular Michael Biehn for the role of Jesse Hooker, the head vampire who would eventually be played by Lance Henriksen. Rumour has it that Biehn found the script "confusing" and he ultimately passed. It's another example of a film that almost featured Biehn, such as Alien 3 or Cameron's rumoured Spider-Man movie.

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A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...