20 Things You Didn't Know About Near Dark

1. "I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots And Your Motorcycle... "

Near Dark
TriStar Pictures

Actor Robert Winley crops up as a patron in the "sh*t-kicker" bar that Jesse and company gleefully turn into a bloodbath. He has his drink spilt, refilled, spat in his face and is then thrown twenty feet across the room into the pool table.

Winley obviously made an impression; he popped up four years later in Terminator 2 as, you guessed it, another unsuspecting badass biker who quickly learned not to put his cigars out on a T800's chest. Arnie breaks his fingers, hurls him onto a smoking grill and then steals his clothes, boots and bike, in one of Cameron's best sequences.

He clearly got typecast - in 1996 he crops up in Pinocchio's Revenge as, you guessed it, a biker.

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A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...