20 Things You Didn't Know About No Country For Old Men

15. That Creepy Haircut

No Country For Old Men

It may well have been a dream for Javier Bardem to work on a movie with the Coen brothers, but the haircut that was required for the part was the stuff of nightmares.

The memorably awful hairstyle that Chigurh had in the film lead Bardem to comment to the Coens that he wouldn’t be getting laid for months. Obviously this was music to the directors’ ears, it was perfect.

The inspiration for the monstrous mop of hair came from a photograph that was found by the film’s art department during their research. The photo in question was of a West Texas Bar in 1979 and featured a real man with this hairstyle.

The Coens and Bardem saw this man in the picture, thought he looked like a sociopath and thus the iconic Chigurh look was born.

Bardem came to like the hairstyle while on set, admitting that it made his job easier, saying:

“You don’t have to act weird if you have that weird haircut.”

He’s not wrong.


Freelance journalist and serial moaner, obsessed with the ludicrous world of professional wrestling.