20 Things You Didn't Know About Shutter Island
20. It's The Only Scorsese/DiCaprio Movie To Receive No Oscar Nominations
Shutter Island was the fourth of five collaborations between Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio to date, and remains the only one to garner not a single Academy Award nomination.
Though those four other movies racked up more than 30 Oscar nominations between them - including Best Picture for all, with an actual win for The Departed - Shutter Island's pulpier tone caused it to be roundly ignored by the Academy.
The lack of attention to its technical plaudits proves especially surprising - particularly Robert Richardson's ravishing cinematography - though this is largely accepted to be a result of Paramount pushing the film's release to February 2010, causing it to largely be off the Academy's radar by year's end.
Though hardly one of Scorsese's best movies, it certainly deserved at least a couple of below-the-line nods.