20 Things You Didn't Know About Star Trek III: The Search For Spock (1984)

2. Harve Bennett Got The Writer's Gig On The Day After Star Trek II Hit Theatres

Star Trek III Spock

Harve Bennett was brought into Star Trek to produce The Wrath Of Khan. When that film opened, he was invited to write Star Trek III the day after II opened.

This was the fastest turnaround that his career had ever seen. The Wrath Of Khan was an enormous success both critically and at the box office, which in modern terms meant that a sequel was guaranteed. Then, however, there was still the perceived financial hit that The Motion Picture had taken. While it had been a success at the box office, the budget had inflated well beyond projections.

Before anything could go into production, Bennett had to secure a team that would keep costs down, without sacrificing the quality of the film. When it came to writing the script, he turned to the director that had been chosen to helm the project - none other than Leonard Nimoy. Together, they put together the main parts of the story, while Nimoy would then go on to concentrate on the overall look and tone of the piece.

This was the second of four of the Star Trek films that Bennett was involved with, both as producer and having a shared story-credit.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick