20 Things You Didn't Know About Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

11. Executive Producer Ralph Winter Takes A Lot Of The Blame Himself

Star Trek V Sean Connery
We were smoking our own press releases.

This quote alone, from Winter himself, seemed to sum up some of the ideas that went into the production of Star Trek V. Winter personally felt as though he was responsible for the poor effects of the film, as it was he who made the decision not to wait for ILM to free up some time to work on the movie. He felt that they had not treated Trek with respect.

He also held up his hands about when it came to the actual story of the movie itself. In a way, it was rehashing the ground already trodden by Star Trek: The Motion Picture, but he felt that the search for God was certainly a contributing factor to the film's dismal reception. He likened the script searching for God to the production team's beliefs that, at this point at least, they could do no wrong.

While he doesn't agree with some of Shatner's feelings on how the studio treated V after its release, he does believe that when it came to the Final Frontier, he dropped the ball, no matter how well his previous efforts had been received.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick