20 Things You Didn't Know About The Blair Witch Project

18. The Mega-Brief Shoot

Blair Witch Project

Forget those films that take the best part of a year to shoot or those films that are wrapped up at a respectable and breezy month or two. No, The Blair Witch Project made a complete mockery of those shooting schedules by getting the entire shoot done within just eight days.

Eight. Days.

Whatever you’re doing today, just think that in eight days from now you could have made a film as game-changing as The Blair Witch Project. Well, if you’re Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez, at least.

Not only that, but the writing and directing duo purposely gave the film’s three stars less and less food each and every day on this shoot in order to increase the angst and tension between the trio.

While the shoot was only eight days, mind, it took a further eight months to finish editing the picture.

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Senior Writer

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