20 Things You Didn't Know About The Ring

7. A Scene Borrowed From A Sequel

Samara The Ring
Tartan Asia

The opening sequence of The Ring is a perfect set up: Katie winds up dead in a closet and her friend Becca ends up in a mental institution. The fate of Becca (named Masami in the Japanese original) is directly addressed in the sequel, Ringu 2 and the US remake cleverly takes its cues from this plot thread.

Becca, understandably traumatised, can't stand to see a television for fear of Samara and must walk behind a six foot screen to avoid them. This is a scene lifted directly from the sequel, NOT the original.

It's a shame Verbinski didn't complete the scene - in the Japanese version, the psychic link emanating from Masami to the spirit of Sadako in the TV is enough to send the other patients into a full breakdown, writhing and screaming on the floor.


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...