20 Things You Didn't Know About The Ring

1. Foreshadowing THAT Ending

Samara The Ring
DreamWorks Pictures

There are clues to THAT ending littered throughout the film, most blatantly when Rachel examines the tape in a video lab - she plucks a living fly from within the screen, showing how Samara will cross over to our world from the dead.

The opening sequence even details exactly what is going to happen. What appears to be a throwaway line from doomed teens Katie and Becca is actually far more revealing:

"I heard there was so many magnetic waves travelling through the air because of tv and telephones... do you have any idea how many electro rays are travelling through our heads every second?" says Katie, unaware that this is exactly how she will die.

The opening line of the entire film is "I hate television." Sorry girls, it's much worse than that.

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Scream Ghostface
Buena Vista Pictures

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A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...