20 Things You Didn't Know About The Truman Show

9. Classic Music Only, Please

The Truman Show

Carrey isn't exactly shy when it comes to his love of death metal, particularly Cannibal Corpse. The band were hand-picked to make an appearance in Ace Ventura, with Carrey hopping on stage with them for that hilarious scene.

However, when it came to The Truman Show, Carrey's character had a very different view on what music he enjoyed. Granted, he didn't have a lot of options when it came to Seahaven radio.

Given that the radio waves within the dome were mostly used for communication between producers and cast, there was only enough bandwidth for one radio channel to play music. So why did it have to be classical music?

Truman had only grown up with one kind of music and simply wasn't aware of the popular music that came along. It's also worth remembering that, whatever was on Truman's radio would also play out over TV sets across the globe.

This meant there was a whole bunch of legal work involved in clearing music for Truman to listen to, except with classical music. As nearly all classical music is public domain, the network wouldn't be required to pay royalties, as well as avoiding any potentional copyright suits.


I'm just happy to be here